[2016-06-29]An unexpected but reasonable email from a Croatian customer

This morning, we received an email from Croatia, which mainly tells a story about diving. The story is this: Last week, Filip dive in the Kornati National Park in Croatia, inadvertently found a flashlight on the seabed. He put his hand in the vinegar to remove the scale and charge it for a day. He was surprised to find the flashlight. Still working well.
  This “Nirvana rebirth” flashlight is the XTAR diving series D06!
     The quality of D06 left a deep impression on Filip, so he wrote us an email. His story also makes us excited. As the saying goes: One point of cultivation and one point of harvest. Heaven rewards, so we have more confidence to insist on what we want to do: to do “good quality in China” and redefine “Made in China.” Let customers feel our determination from XTAR products.
  In addition, by examining the production code, this D06 was sent to Bosnia in November 2014. If you have any information about this flashlight, please feel free to contact us by email: [email protected]
  Below is a screenshot of Phillips Mail and the pictures he sent us:

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